

I’ve thought about starting a blog for awhile. I wasn’t sure. I put it off. I finally just did it! Doesn’t it feel great to make a decision and move forward! Amazing! Sometimes we just need to TRY things! I certainly do anyway. This is basically just to share thoughts and things that happen every day. We each have those experiences, but many people won’t discuss difficult emotions. They won’t admit that they don’t have all the answers. They won’t discuss mistakes because it somehow makes them feel like a failure. I’ve made so many mistakes!! I can’t even begin to remember them all. But you learn from mistakes and that’s really important. Except some people don’t which is really sad. I’ve experienced loss, trauma, motherhood, tons of work experiences (good and bad), lots of therapy (probably not enough), and many other life experiences that are just amazing. Until recently, I didn’t realize how blessed I was! I tended to be stressed all the time and pretty unhappy which leads to a miserable life! Why on earth be like that? I’m learning to change each and every day. I want to be happy. I want to enjoy every moment with my son. I want to HAVE FUN! I want to learn to laugh at my mistakes and try harder the next time. I look forward to meeting people, learning new things, and writing!

Time to Detox

I never realized the amount of stress and horrible feelings I had while working in my last job. I knew I disliked the job. The dread started Sunday evening and I was miserable! I was miserable each day. There are many reasons but one week after leaving it is clear that it was just toxic!

So I’m focusing on self-care…I’m using everything I can!

Exercise – the elliptical machine and tons of outdoor work. Sweating out anything and everything I can!

Essential oils – I love essential oils. I have slathered on each oil I thought might help! I’ll keep trying!

Plexus – vitamins, nutrients, and healthy drinks. I’m doing everything I can to try to make sure I get all nutrients I need.

Prayer and meditation – time in silence. Reading my Bible and spending time in prayer. Being thankful for all my blessings and realizing how much grace I’ve been given. I have an amazing life! Meditation and just being silent and focusing on my breath has helped me to be present. I need this time and it’s something I end up giving up when I’m busy.

Epsom salt bath πŸ›€ amazing way to detox! I’ve taken an epsom salt bath each evening this week. I can tell a difference!

I still have two weeks off before I start my new job. I’m going to use that time to clear out all the negative energy. I’m going to the pool and have some fun with my son. But I’m going to focus on fun for the next two weeks! Self-care is something I ignore but I know I need. I must make it a habit to always do the things I need!

Job changes

I am so ready for a new chapter. After 19 years at my last job, it was tough to leave. But on my last day, I left without being sad. Sometimes I think you outgrow places. Sometimes maybe you just get fed up. I’m looking forward to new beginnings!

I will miss some of the people. But with the backstabbing and hurtful things that occurred, I truly can’t say many were my friends. I care about my former employees and hope they do amazing things! I care about my sanity and know there are better things ahead in my future!

It’s tough to walk away from an executive position and the rewards that go with it. I’ll be starting over at a new company. But the things I can learn! I’m excited to learn! I’m excited to make a difference. It’s a risk but the excitement alone may be worth it. Take the chance! Who knows where it may take me 😊


I resigned and have one week left with my company. One week…

I have been there 19 years! Half my life! It’s hard to believe. I am so excited to start a new journey. I can’t wait! I wish I could start the new job tomorrow.

And yet…saying goodbye to friends and employees that I really care about hurts a lot! Telling my employees was really hard! Telling friends was really hard! I’m really going to miss seeing some of those people every day. I will be thankful to never see some of them again but for the most part, I work with amazing people.

But I need a change. It’s a tough decision. Leaving an executive position and starting over with a small company, it’s a risk. I’m taking a big pay cut. I’m losing benefits. But the potential to help make a new company successful and to make a difference, the feeling is amazing! I have no concerns about the new job.

I just have to make it through the last week and help my team adjust to new leadership! They will do amazing things. And so will I!

I am thankful for mentors who have helped me be open to receive all blessings! Some blessings don’t look like blessings at first!

Tough decisions

It has been a rough couple of weeks! Decisions that will change my life and that of my family! But I can already feel the change and it’s good! It’s going to be great! I just have to survive the next few weeks 😊

Do what makes you happy, life is short.

Make the tough decisions because no one else knows what is best.

If you make the wrong decision, then maybe you were meant to learn a lesson!

Everything will be OK.

Life is hard. There will always be issues. But life is so worth living.

Proud mom here

Yesterday we had a huge storm hit certain areas of our town. Some friends had serious damage with 6 big trees down on their property. My husband got the chainsaw ready to go help today. Our 9 year old son asked if he could go. My husband told him it would be hard work and would take hours. He insisted he wanted to go help.

So after working this morning, my husband picked him up from summer camp. They went and surveyed the damage and got right to work. They made trip after trip with logs and limbs in a wheelbarrow. Not easy considering they had to take the trees up the hill. They worked for over 6 hours. My son never stopped and never complained.

Our friends were so thankful that they offered to pay him. He didn’t want to accept the money πŸ’° He just wanted to help them.

There are days where I wonder if I’m doing anything right! And then there are moments where this amazing little boy just outshines all of us! Be kind and help others because you never know what they might be dealing with!!

Tough decisions

We all deal with situations that are just hard! Deciding what is best and trying to weigh options can be so draining. And then the second guessing…what if I make the wrong decision? What if this turns out badly even though it appears it will be good? What if, what if, what if…

I’m driving myself mad! I must make a decision and move on. I’ve thought about it all week. I’ve considered options. There are risks but I feel comfortable with it so I’ve decided what to do. It’s going to require big changes but I’m excited! I need change, positive change.

The reminder from church at the end of the service this morning gave me even more hope for very positive change!

Regardless of what my decision brings, I am loved and everything will be OK!

Welcome home greetings

So we get home from vacation and I have all kinds of work to do. Tons of laundry. The yard needs mowed and we have acres to mow! So I get started. First laundry. Sorted and one load in the washer.

Then I get on the riding mower. I had mowed for probably 15 minutes. The neighbors dog comes running over. I thought he was glad we were home. Apparently I was wrong! This dog runs right in front of the mower and humped up and took a crap πŸ’© I had to stop the mower to keep from running over him. Then I had to shovel πŸ’© before I could finish mowing!

It sure is a good thing we love the dog!

Grateful, thankful, blessed, dogs, welcome home, gifts, good thing he’s cute, more work

Happy Father’s Day

It’s a sad day for me as my Father was murdered in 2013, but it’s a day to celebrate my husband! He coaches every sport my son plays and the kids love him. He goes on field trips. He helps out at the school. He cooks all the time. He teaches our son life skills and makes him work. He can fix anything! On this day, I give thanks for all the amazing things he does for us! I am thankful all the time but today is his day!

My son looks up to him and wants to be just like him. I’m thankful he has such a great example. A lot of kids aren’t as lucky! I hope my son realizes how lucky he is and grows up following in his Dad’s footsteps!

Happy Father’s Day to all Dad’s! May you each set the best example you can for the kids watching every move you make!


I think every manager should have to have training. I’ve had great managers and horrible managers. I’ve seen people belittled and treated horribly. I never want to be one of those managers. Even when overwhelmed by stress and anxiety, I don’t think offloading the pain is fair! This is an amazing book! I wish I could attend her leadership training. I’ve read most of her books and they are all great books. I need to finish buying the rest.

I’m a lifelong learner. I love to read and attend classes. I cannot understand the people who never pick up a book after school? How can you not want to learn? I know we’re each different. That’s what makes us unique.

The studies from this book and the concepts are real life examples that my team can apply every day. Tough conversations have to happen. The stories people make up, I would rather be honest and open than deal with false stories.

I highly recommend Brene Brown and dare to lead. You have influence and can lead without a management position so it’s a book for anyone!

Thankful, grateful, blessed

Nature soothes the soul

There is nothing that makes me feel more relaxed than being in nature. The mountains never disappoint! Being surrounded by such greatness and connected to the earth just allows the stress to melt away!

I recently listened to studies about the three day effect of being in nature. I have to believe it works, at least for me! I can spend hours in nature and feel renewed.

Unfortunately, I don’t get to spend as much time as I would like in nature. My son complained the entire drive up the mountain. The higher we got, the louder he sighed. He wanted to go to Dave & Busters. He enjoyed the views but wanted to get back to being busy. I could have stayed for days! I love nature!

Country girl, blessed, thankful, grateful

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